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Choosing an Insurance Broker Who is Right for You

Choosing an Insurance Broker Who is Right for You

Trying to find the right insurance brokerage to safeguard your family? It’s important to take your time and do your due diligence when it comes to your insurance policy. If you don’t get the right coverage or understand the fine print, it could leave you with a lot more than just a headache when dealing with the fallout. So make sure to ask these following when trying to choose an insurance broker who is right for you.

How Much Experience do they have?

One of the most important things to look for in an insurance broker is their experience level and how long they’ve been in the industry. When choosing a broker, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than someone who is well versed on various insurance products and who has been around long enough to deal with every situation possible.

How Many Lenders do they Work with?

If you’re only open to working with one insurance company, then you only need an insurance agent who is directly employed with a particular company. However, if you would like to be presented with a number of options, then you need a mortgage broker. Only a broker can provide you with access to a wide range of lenders. And since more lenders equate to more choice, you’ll want to find a broker who has the most relationships in order to better accommodate your needs.

What is Their Motive?

There are mortgage brokers who are committed to working on behalf of your interests and other ones who are simply self-serving. So, find out what drives your broker and if the options that they’re presenting you with, make a real difference on how much they make.

Do they Have any References?

Even if the broker was referred to you by a trusted friend or family member, you should still request a few other references. Ask for a list of clients and contact them directly to find out if they’ve ever felt pressured or had a bad experience dealing with the broker. If the previous clients had a poor experience dealing with the broker, then you’re likely to experience the same service.

How do they Decide Which Loan is Best Suited for You?

When you’re trying to choose an insurance broker who is right for you, you need to find out which ones are working for you and which ones are trying to gain quick commissions by doing the least possible work. By asking them to recommend loan products that suit your specific requirements, you can find out if they’re listening to your needs and if they offer products that are in line with your lifestyle.

Do they Offer any Other Services?

Just because you need car insurance today, it doesn’t mean you won’t need home insurance tomorrow. Finding a mortgage broker who offers a wide range of coverage options can make your life a whole lot easier. You might be even able to save some money by blending your insurance coverages together.

When you’re ready to work with a professional insurance brokerage that checks off all these points and has your interests at heart, look to Rowat Insurance. Whether you need protection for your home, business, retirement, boat, or recreational toys, we can help you find a policy that is right for you.

Rowat Insurance

Insuring Ontario and Quebec since 1955. Trust Rowat Insurance Brokers to look after your home, auto, business and life insurance needs. We always guarantee fast, friendly service and highly competitive premiums. As brokers, we are entirely independent from Insurers and Financial Institutions; we will work with you to analyze and advise on risk, and customize the coverage that is right for you.