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Property and Casualty Broker Compensation Disclosure

As an independent insurance broker, our aim is to deliver optimum insurance value by aligning the perfect blend of coverage, service and cost to you. Our commitment entails offering expert guidance, continual upkeep, and dedicated assistance with claims. Whenever concerns arise regarding your insurance, count on us to champion your needs, leveraging our expertise and insight to safeguard your interests.

Broker compensation constitutes a segment of your insurance premium. A percentage of your insurance premiums are paid to the brokerage by the insurance company. With transparency as our priority, we disclose the commission percentage range each business line below.

Auto Insurance (Aviva, Intact, Jevco, Definity, Gore Mutual, Wawanesa, Facility Association) 10-12.5%
Property Insurance (Aviva, Intact, Definity, Gore Mutual, Wawanesa, Chubb) 10-20%
Commercial Insurance (Aviva, Intact, Jevco, Definity, Gore Mutual, Wawanesa, Facility Association) 10-20%